Participation in sport programs can be out of reach for some athletes owing to the costs. The Edmonton Razorbacks Lacrosse Club recognizes the challenges families may face. We endeavor to keep our program costs as low as possible. If you require additional financial assistance to cover registration fees or to purchase equipment, please reach out to us by E-mail at: We'll do our best to help! Other sources of support include:
Sport Central is a volunteer-driven, Alberta-based charitable organization that provides sports equipment at no cost to kids in need. Generous donations of gently used equipment and volunteer time by Edmonton and area residents help make this one of Alberta’s most cost-effective charities. Since its inception, Sport Central has provided over 180,000 low-income kids with safe gear, enabling them to participate in the sport of their choice.
KidSport supports children who need financial assistance with sport registration fees. KidSport believes that the power of sport participation promotes the development of children's social, mental, and physical well-being. This is done through a community-funded fee assistance program called, KidSport's ‘So ALL Kids Can Play!’ Grant Program. By increasing access to quality sport programs KidSport strengthens the community.